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World Muslim population

World Muslims...............................................1,482,596,925 (1996)

Muslims in Asia.............................................1,022,692,000 (1996)

Muslims in Africa.......................................... 426,282,000 (1996)

Total World population.................................. 5,771,939,007 (1996)

% of Muslims................................................  26% (1996)

Islam annual growth rate (94-95)..........................6.40% (from U.N.)

Christianity growth rate (94-95)............................1.46% (from U.N.)

World Muslim population (1998)...........................1,678,442,000

World Muslim population (Projected in 2000).......1,902,095,000

Growth of Islam:

North America (1989-1998)....................... 25%

Africa........................................................... 2.15%


Europe..................................................... 142.35%

Latin America.............................................. 4.73%

Australia.................................................. 257.01%



Among every four humans in the world, one of them is a Muslim.

Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion.

By comparison, 

Christians have increased by only 47 percent.

Hinduism, 117 percent and

Buddhism by 63 percent.

Islam is the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and the US (Muslims in the US are ten million and Jews are six million) 

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